Monday, May 16, 2011

Banter 13 - Is Art an Important Condition of Human Life?

Frederick Sandys' Love's Shadow (1867)

Video of paintings of women's faces & Bach's Sarabande (click here)

Guten Tag,

Thank you for last night's banter about human nature.  My favorite threads from the evening, or perhaps my favorite veils of Maya, were Shawna's hand gestures of the veils before one's metaphorical eyes and their removal; Mitch's calm drive to find that thing that separates human nature from animal nature & coming up with perhaps a consensus on "the telling of stories;" Jill's soft articulation of that sense of something quite beautiful and quite there behind the veils, and later tying that into the old Montanans whose "eyes themselves are like looking at a mountain"; Mike's surety regarding the social system being human nature on display, the doing equating with what/who we are without separation; Isaac's early tone of fatigue for one extreme (goodness) or another (meanness) when we discuss human nature; Gerda's example of how human nature likes to guard its post, as do the tenured professors at the U. of Auckland, with fervor at the expense of the rest of the "pack" and stirring the thoughts of when/how this might change eventually; and, my realization, after you'd all left, that I used to most value the ripping down of the veils and stories before my "eyes."  Whereas now, I most value the pulling them down, folding them, setting them aside, and then hanging certain ones back up when I want them there, and not feeling that I am less (any longer) because I like to lean on props (or enjoy the touch of the veils on my "face") like the rest of the humans (such as those old Montanans or old midwesterners who'd like to "bomb the bastards" but would share an afternoon with you that brims over with generosity and warmth of heart).  In conclusion, we're no simpler and no more complex than a hive of bees capable of the beautifully impossible, and capable of a full on swarm, and everything in between.

Onto #13.  We're thinking Tuesday, June 7 at 7pm for the next banter.  Topic:  Is Art an Important Condition of Human Life? (Which invariably begs the question to be sorted out first, What Even is Art?)

Assignment in the mean time:  Find a piece of art (visual, literary, musical composition, dance, etc) that means something to you, pulls on you, makes you soar, or maybe kicks you in the gut, but impacts you in some very noticeable/visceral way.  Share your brief thoughts on the above question with the group before June 7th (email me), but save your art for the night of June 7.  Bring it, share it.  I can play cds or youtube videos for those of you that take that route.  Stacy, you're welcome to give us a dance perf. in the flesh!

I've also attached some bits and pieces of Leo Tolstoy's "What is Art?" that is sure to agitate the waters in one way or another.  Perhaps take a look at it while you're contemplating the question "Is Art an Important Condition of Human Life?" and choosing which art to share.

Also, I'm craving a new person or two to fold into our mix. If you know of someone who would be at least mostly committal, a blend of generous/bold-minded, & revved up by our banter nights, please invite them along.

My best,

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